What can I do with the money?
As a general rule, the money can be spent on expenses needed for the project only, such as fees (e.g. to pay artists) or materials/equipment
What can I do with the money?
- If you’re self-employed: you use an “internal” invoice for yourself, a so-called “Eigenbeleg”. It works like a regular invoice but you have to change the word “Rechnung” (invoice) for “Eigenbeleg”. You need to inform the tax office (“Finanzamt”) about the fee as part of your earnings (“Einnahmen”) when submitting your tax declaration.
- If you receive social benefits such as BAföG or “Hartz IV” you need to inform the office (“Amt”) responsible for your social benefits about the fee you will receive for yourself.
- If you’re paying another person working in the project: you need to make a contract and that person must write you an invoice.
- Materials for the project, such as costumes, stage decoration, office materials, flyers, posters, DVDs, food (e.g. fruits, non-alcoholic drinks, delivery service / you can’t buy: visits to restaurants, cigarettes, etc.). Technical devices are allowed up to 100 EUR each, up to 1.000 EUR in total. If you rent a device the rental charge can be more than 100 EUR.
What you can’t buy
- Monthly BVG-ticket (“Monatskarte”) – You may reclaim travel expenses (for trips from home to work) in your tax declaration
- Private liability insurance (“Haftpflichtversicherung”). Exception: project participants have no coverage through their school, child care centre, association, etc. or parents)
- Rent (housing) – individuals can use the fee they receive for their project work to pay rent
You don’t have to submit all your fee contracts, bills and receipts. However, please keep them, in case we have an inquiry and need to see them.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send as an email at info@ or call us: durchstarten.berlin
030 3030444-49.
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